Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If you're in the market for this kind of thing...

I've been pretty laissez-faire about my potty training approach this far.  Every once in a while Jasper's excited about it, and then the excitement wears off.  We've got little IKEA potty's in each bathroom and Jasper thinks it is fun to flush the toilet.  That's about the extent of our "training course."

I bought "The BIG Potty Book" at a library surplus sale a few weeks ago and Jasper absolutely loves it.  We have to read it at least four times in a row.

Tonight after family scripture study we were hanging out on the couch reading stories, including "The BIG Potty Book" and Jasper got a look on his face and I said, "Jasper, do you need to go to the bathroom?"  He said yes and ran down the hall.

Mike was the "potty handler" and even though I was a little panicky that Jasper was going to completely fall in, Mike managed to keep him from going under AND he went on the toilet.  The funniest part is that after he went pee, he had to grab a few squares of toilet paper and wiped his clean little bum.

If you are looking for other potty books, Jasper really likes the pictures in the book "A Potty For Me" by Karen Katz.

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I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.