Jasper is addicted to hummus. I've blogged about if before, but his love of hummus seems to be increasing. This morning during our morning snack Jasper kept reaching out for more!
I gave in and bought some Babbas Hummus and chips at the Costco roadshow last week. It was sheer torture to drag Jasper away from the sample table. We ended up getting the Jalepeno and Cilantro and Avacado and Cliantro hummus. It is so good!
Jasper pounded out the notes for the opening and closing songs for Family Home Evening tonight on his little star piano. Our lesson tonight was "I Will Be Reverent". It went right along with the fact that we are trying to teach Jasper how to fold his arms and sit still during prayers. If you have any suggestions --please let me know.
I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.