Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"My Coat Can Be A Hood."

For Las Vegas, our weather is FREEZING!

Our high today was 46, and we are under a "freeze alert."  This is serious stuff for us!

I sent Jasper to preschool in a coat with a hat and gloves in his backpack.

He did NOT want to wear his hat at recess.

When he came home I told him that his teacher told me he would not wear his hat.

I talked to him about how I really wanted him to wear it.

He then proceeded to show me how he didn't need a hat because he could just pull his coat up over his head.

He did admit that the problem with this idea icauses is that his stomach is bare. Silly boy!

Jasper was not excited to wear a button-up coat vs. a zipper coat today.

He was worried because he thought he might need help maneuvering the buttons open and closed.

Before he left for school he told me, "Mom, my teacher is not going to help me.  When we need help she tells us to ask a friend.  My friends  are not going to be able to help me with this." 

I told Jasper that I'd email his teacher and explain that he might need help with his coat.

Turns out that Jasper was able to undo the bottons, and bless Ms. Karen's heart, she did those buttons back up for him.

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I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.