Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Incredible Hulk Green Smoothie with Lime -- Recipe

Jasper and I hung out with the VitaMix demo guy at Costco yesterday.

He was handing out samples of green smoothies and Jasper kept saying, "I want that.  I want that." I replied, "We already have one!"

I finally realized that Jasper wasn't asking for a VitaMix, he was asking for a green smoothie sample.

The green smoothie he made was REALLY GOOD.  I knew it was not in the VitaMix cookbook and begged the salesman for his recipe. 

He said that he makes it for his grandson and tells him it's what the Incredible Hulk drinks.

Beside the Incredible Hulk drinking it, what makes this green smoothie recipe different and delicious is the secret ingredient: Unpeeled Limes.
Jasper LOVES to add all of the ingredients himself, and blend it all up (with supervision.)

Today we had one for breakfast and and after school snack.  Jasper is in love with them!
I hope you love them too. 

Incredible Hulk Green Smoothie 
1 cup of apple juice
2 to 3 cups of baby spinach
1 slice (ring) of  fresh pineapple
1/2 of a banana (peeled)
1/2 of an apple (not peeled)
1/2 of an orange (peeled with a lot of the pith still on)
1/2 of a lime (not peeled)
2 cups of ice cubes

Blend and ENJOY!

*I think this only works best with  a super power blender since you are blending (grinding) the rind of the lime.  The unpeeled lime is what gives this smoothie it's limey goodness!


Unknown said...

Found this on pinterest.
Just a FAB smoothie recipe. Have been making it for the past week!
Thanks so much!

Jason Kanz said...

Simply incredible.

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I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.