Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sight Words Pizza Party

Tuesday was the long awaited sight words pizza party.  I think Jasper has been waiting for it since the second day of school! 

The goal is to pass off 300 sight words for 1st grade.  Jasper passed those off April 5th while he was in Kindergarten. (Photo is from April 5, 2013.)

This year he re-passed off 1st list and passed off the 2nd grade list.  He has also passed off spelling 170 of the first grade words. 

He knows all 400 of the 3rd grade sight words, but he is not allowed to officially pass them off until he passes off spelling all 600 of the 1st & 2nd grade words. 

If he gets through spelling all 600 of them by the end of 1st grade I will be impressed.

I'm not quite sure how the pizza party selection works, but I think they pick the kids who have passed off the most sight words for a special lunch.  He was treated to two slices of pizza, a Capri Sun drink AND a fruit roll up.  I remembered for a week that it was on Tuesday, until Tuesday morning when I forgot and packed him a lunch!  Duh!

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I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.