Sunday, April 19, 2009

18 Month Check-Up

I'm over a month late here, but I wanted to record Jasper's 18 month check-up.

Height: 31 inches -- 10-25th percentile
Weight: 22 bs. 7 oz. -- 10-25th percentile
Head Circumference: 48 1/2 cm -- 50-75th percentile

We tried to keep busy while we waited for Dr. LaMotte by reading one of our favorite books: "How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms?".

And our all time favorite source of entertainment while waiting around...the orange bouncy ball. Which we affectionately refer to as "Orangie".

I am posting video of Orangie the bouncy ball at the end of this post. I tuck this ball in my purse at all times just in case I need it to entertain Jasper. It is a lifesaver!

Mike met us for a nice lunch at Cafe Rio after our appointment at the doctor.

I always ask for limes for my water. Jasper tries to eat them and feed them to us. Silly boy!

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I am full time wife and Mom. Jasper is my busy 3 year old who keeps us on our toes. I like to sew and craft and make our house a home. I love to be outside and play with my boys.