We read some Thomas the Train books: "A Crack in the Track", "Stop Train Stop", and "Go Train Go" to pass the time.
Jasper kept saying, "Let's get out of here!" So when the nurse came to take him to surgery she said, "Okay Jasper, let's go." Of course Jasper had one of his puppies and a little plastic alligator with him so they could get their ears fixed too.
Jasper went back at 8:00 AM and it was 45 minutes before his ENT came out and told us he was okay, which had me a little worried since when he had his first set of tubes he was only in surgery for 10 minutes.

I took this photo of him looking so miserable after he has been out of surgery for an hour.
Dr. O'Donnell said that Jasper's adenoids were pretty big and he was glad that he removed them. I asked him to check his tonsils too and Dr. O'Donnell said that on a scale of 1 to 4 they were a 2 and are fine for now.
Jasper had a really hard time coming out of anesthesia. Because he threw up after his last surgery they gave him NO pain medicine at all, in case they would make him nauseous on his empty stomach.
Jasper's throat was really hurting when he woke up. He couldn't stop crying. The nurse only let me go back since Jasper was having such a hard time.
I just held his hand, sang him some Primary songs and held his oxygen mask in place so it wouldn't pinch his face. We had a great nurse who gave Jasper three doses of pain medicine in his IV to get his pain under control.
Jasper was highly motivated to start drinking because his nurse promised she would take his IV out. He also earned three "Cars" stickers for good sipping.Jasper's nurse was so nice that she ran out to our van to give Jasper his alligator that he had left behind in the tangled mess of sheets.
After more than an hour Mike was able to come back to be with us. Jasper was so happy so see his Daddy.
At home Jasper enjoyed a Popsicle and orange push-up festival coupled with a movie marathon.
He told my mom on the phone, "The orangey-orangey's (referring to the push-ups) are REALLY STICKY!
He is doing great now. We go in for a post-op check up at the end of January.
THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers and well wishes.