Jasper is 9 1/2 months old, and he has NEVER slept on the floor, on the couch, in the pack-n-play, etc. for more than 15 minutes. Before you think that I have not read every sleep book out there or tried everything, you have to remember that Jasper has really bad reflux for the first 8 1/2 months of his life. Since he was 6 weeks old he slept in a
Tucker Sling in his crib or his swing. He now sleeps in his crib and takes the first half of his naps in his crib, but has has never been able to just crash out on the floor and fall asleep -- EVER! Whenever I go visiting teaching the other babies are just zonked out on the floor, and I think -- how would it be? Now I know, and I love it. The main reason this happened is because Jasper would not fall asleep for his afternoon nap, and he just pooped himself right out. And of course this happened right when we were supposed to leave to go out to dinner for Father's Day. :> But I am just going to enjoy watching him sleep.
p.s. He just woke up! But I will take the 40 minutes and call it a win!